Our Mission
Wilsonville Community Sharing is a non-profit social service agency that operates the local food bank and connects families in need with a variety of resources.
We were founded approximately 30 years ago, after a group of volunteers banded together to help a family displaced by a fire.
WCS was Incorporated and formed a 501©-3 non –profit in 1997 at this time they hired a part-time Information and Referral Specialist.
We receive approximately 80-120 calls each month for people looking for assistance. We offer help with utilities, food, rent prescriptions and a variety of other needs that come up. Each client goes through a screening process and is also referred to the appropriate agency when necessary to meet additional needs. We also will partner up with other agencies to meet the need.
In 1999 they started the Wilsonville Food Bank and hired a part time food bank Coordinator. The Food bank serves approximately 170 Families per month, which are basically 450 individuals. 50% are Children.
We are a satellite branch of the Oregon Food Bank. This allows us to purchase food from them for a discounted rate. In addition we are able to receive major food drive donations and USDA government food for free. Most of our food comes from generous donations from our community and many of our local businesses. We receive the most donations from November –December, the least amount from March-October.