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Your donations to Wilsonville Community Sharing/Food Bank are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. WCS is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Federal Tax ID#93-0851927.
When you check out you can pay for your contribution via credit card or directly from your bank account via our secure Pay Pal connection.
* NOTE: Your contribution will be used to purchase the food most needed by the pantry at the time of your donation.
What does your donation do?
50 lbs of rice or 1 meal
24 boxes of Cereal or 1 days food
30 lbs of Dry beans or 2 days’ worth of food
25lbs of ground beef or 5 meals
48 cans of tuna or 3 days’ worth of food
12 whole chickens or 5 days’ worth of food
25 gallons of fresh milk or 15 meals
Food for two families for 10 days
Sharing Begins With Each of Us – Every Donation Helps
We are a satellite branch of the Oregon Food Bank. This allows us to purchase food from them for a discounted rate. In addition we are able to receive major food drive donations and USDA government food for free. Most of our food comes from generous donations from our community and many of our local businesses. We receive the most donations from November –December, the least amount from March-October.
Your donation to the Wilsonville Food bank allows us to purchase food from the Oregon Food Bank for a share cost, which is a significant reduction from the retail cost. Our mission is to leverage resources to eliminate hunger, empower opportunity and restore dignity.
You can contribute a fixed amount or an amount represented by the sample items shown below. These choices represent some of the most commonly needed items at the pantry. Another way to think about this is how much food your contribution will provide for a family of four. The prices shown are approximate and can provide you with a feeling for the difference that you can make.*